Friday, September 21, 2012

T - 30

The marathon is officially one month away!  Yep, on Sunday October 21, I will be tackling my 6th marathon head-on.  And trust me, I am not above begging asking for help with this! (segue please!)

I would love your support during the marathon!  It hopefully will be a nice, fall day in Columbus; and there is clearly no better way to spend it then coming out to cheer me on, right?  Come on...pleeeeease??  I'll be your best friend!!  How about I give you 5 bucks?  I bet your mom would want you to come support your friend!  Pretty please with a cherry on top??

Really??  Well, thanks...I'm honored that you would come to cheer for me!  Just so you know what to expect, here is a personalized Kelsey course map.  Please see below for the thoughts / feelings / ponderings that accompany each number:

1.  I see the leaders passing me going the opposite direction...I realize just how slow I am.  But not as slow as those people getting water at the first aid station, hahaha...what, are you dehydrated already?!?!

2.  I wave at Governor Kasich, who is cheering on the runners in front of the Governor's Mansion.  Or, at least I will if he decides to show up this year.

3.  I pass the Columbus School for Girls (with the students wo-manning the aid station) and wonder who they go to prom with.

4.  I reflect on my high school days of running a cross country race at Franklin Park Conservatory.  Didn't I place here once?   I wonder what place I'm in right now?  Answer: too high to count.

5.  I feel so good!  This is easy!  Wait, did that mile marker just say 9??  I'm only ~1/3rd finished??  WTH??

6.  I wonder if the Thurman Cafe has a wait right now?  I bet I could just run over, eat a Thurmanator, and run right back and no one would be the wiser!  At least, until that Thurmanator hit the pavement...

7.  Yeah!  There are TONS of people cheering right here!  This is awesome!!  *passes the half-marathon finish*  Wait, now it's silent and there are no fans...??  Annnnnnd I have 13 more miles to go.  Super.

8.  Since when has High Street been uphill???

9.  What is this doubling back nonsense?  I mean really people.....Oooo, the Shoe!!!!!!!!

10.  I am beginning to re-think laughing at those people who decided to begin hydrating early in the race.  Maybe it's not too late...I'll just chug a bunch of water at this aid station.

11.  Chugging water = bad choice.  Only four more miles.  Which means at the rate I'm going, I have another two hours left on this forsaken wasteland of a course.  

12.  There's Battelle.  I wonder if they have some sort of cart-like device that could get me the rest of the way to the finish.  Of course, it's probably weaponized.  And Patrick would probably lose his job if I broke in there.  But that just might be a chance I'm willing to take at this point.

13.  I'm at least 50% sure I can do this!!

14.  I don't care about that medal, volunteer woman!  And get that stupid lens out of my face camera-man!!!  Now get me a Krispie Kreme stat before I collaspe!!!  Num num num...Krispie Kremes...num num num...

So it's really up to you just where along this journey you would like to join me.  I know, I know, I made each marker look so appealing that you are having difficulty choosing just one.  Which is great because what would be even better than you cheering me on at one spot would be you cheering me on at two spots!  Hey, a girl can always dream...


  1. Oh, and if anyone really would like to come down (which I really would love!) let me know where or when and I'll let you know either an approximate time or place! (ie: if you give me a time, I will give you a place and vise versa) I really will be your best friend...but I probably won't really give you 5 bucks :)

  2. I will be at #12 with your weaponized cart, cause if I break in, Patrick won't lose his job, right? (In all seriousness, I will be at #14 for sure, and Miss B too probably, although, she may try to steal your donut....)
