Monday, August 6, 2012

My Failure to Plan...Is My Own Problem.

Yesterday's run epitomizes one of the traits about myself that I dislike the most: I am a perfectionist that is a complete and utter failure in the planning ahead and thinking things through department.  Examples:

  • We are late for everything, and as much as I really don't like it (I swear I don't think we are being 'fashionable') I never plan ahead until 5 minutes before we need to leave.  And then we walk in late (like, walking-down-the-aisle-right-in-front-of-the-bride late) and I am humiliated. 
  • With any project that I have ever done, I put absolutely no thought into it...but then that errant brushstroke, that row with one too many stitches, or the color that isn't quite right drives me bananas every time I look at it!!!
  • I sign up to run a marathon, and then I don't train for it  :)
Well, I am trying to fix that last one.  And I did finish my 14 miler yesterday evening.  But during the run I discovered that I had made two decisions during the course of the weekend that both prove that I cannot think farther than 10 minutes into the future at any given moment.

Decision 1 - I got an awesome haircut from my awesome stylist.  However, it is very, very short and I cannot get it back into a ponytail.  Or even pigtails.  This was probably not the smartest decision to cut my hair this short right as I am attempting to train for the marathon.  I did my best and used a headband, but it flopped around for 14 straight miles.

Decision 2 - My husband and I drove back from a trip to Illinois yesterday, and lunch was Taco Bell. Enough said.

So training is moving along, and with any luck I will get myself to the starting line before 7:30 am on October 21st.  But if I were a betting woman, I would say it's more likely I'll be there around 7:45...

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! Kelsey is blogging! I am so wxcited to read updates :)
